Rev. Alex Shaw Welcomes You – Mission Statement
Rev. Alex Shaw welcomes you to
I am a Christian non-denominational minister that has counseled with people since 1975. I have Holy Spirit gifts referenced in I. Corinthians 12:8 – 10, the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, the gift of prophecy, the gift of faith, and I use these God given gifts strictly for the purposes of encouraging, uplifting, and healing others.
Every session begins with prayer, whether it is on the phone or in person. The readings are identical. Like every other human being, we “all sin and fall short of the Glory of God.” I am not Mother Teresa. You are not Billy Graham. We are all simply working our way through this life, doing the best we can. If we make an effort to live in honor, dignity and respect for others life goes a lot easier. For years God has shared with me that if people will simply live “straight arrow,” with no lying, stealing or cheating, living by the 10 Commandments and having only one lover at a time, and avoiding the 7 deadly sins He will answer their prayers and send them miracles in their lives for not only them, but for their loved ones as well.
In the years since 1975 when I attended the Jesus Name Pentecostal Church women would come and ask for prayers over their sorrows with abuse, incest, wife beating, betrayals of all kinds, I have seen God, through Jesus Christ bless them and create miracles in their lives. They each told me they were not comfortable talking to their male minister about such emotionally intimate details.
In 1991 after the sudden death of my husband I began to pray for God to give me wisdom and knowledge so I could survive and go forward in my life. Within 2 weeks time I began to know what people were thinking and realized that God had blest me with His Holy Gifts. The world knows these abilities as “psychic” energies but they truly come from God. From that time forward I have professionally counseled with others simply for the purpose of being a help, never a hindrance.
Here in this video and on my Blog here I will share some of these experiences so you can understand how God and Jesus Christ will help you in amazing ways, if only you seek them. In modern times because life is not the “sweet by and by,” it can be harsh. I once heard it referred to as the “nasty now and now.” Certainly so many disappointments come our way, we are hurt, lied to, frequently disillusioned and all we really can do is go to God and Christ for help and comfort. They will undo the darkness against us and create a new way for our lives. It is always better than what we imagine would solve things for us.
I invite you to come here often and find enlightenment and encouragement for your soul. I do not have it. I am not it. God is! Jesus Christ will sustain you through His power of the Divine Holy Spirit. All you have to do is reach out to them in simple prayers. Sometimes all we can do is cry. They understand our heartache and sorrow. No words are necessary. Please give them a try. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Visit again and find you are not alone in your struggles. I will be sharing all types of information, some of it “Raw.” If you are offended by this I encourage you to find a God connection for your soul somewhere that will uplift you and help your life. May God through His Son Jesus Christ bless you and all you love.
Rev. Alex Shaw